Project Description
The Ackerman MSBU was approved in November 2019. This project includes construction of a wastewater collection system to service approximately 1,300 properties with sewer service, new water service lines and a vacuum station that will provide sewer collection for the wastewater system.
- Discussion of increase assessment rates for the residents due to increased construction costs has occurred. Once a final rate has been decided, a public hearing will be set and residents will be noticed.
- The BCC approved the contract for the Zones 2, 3 and LPS. Contractor: Forsberg Construction, Inc. Construction is expected to start in spring 2025.
- Installation Agreements for Zone 3 were mailed out on Sept. 2. Please be sure to sign and return them to the Utilities Department as soon as possible. These forms give CCU permission to come on to your lot with a plumber to connect your home to the central sewer line currently being installed. This work is included in your MSBU assessment, and there are no additional costs. For questions, contact: Syndi Merriman at 941-764-4305 or
- Zones 3, 4 and LPS are currently out to bid.
- Zones 1 and 2 connections have begun. You will receive a door hanger approximately a week prior to connection of your home.
- Contractor: Rohaley & Sons Plumbing Contractors Inc.
- Total Connections as of December 415.
- The vacuum station is operational.
- Installation Agreements for zones 1 and 2 have been mailed out. Please be sure to sign and return them to the Utilities Department as soon as possible.
- Construction of the water line replacement and sewer main installation in zones 1 and 2 is complete. The vacuum station is currently operational.
- The BCC approved the contract for the Vacuum Station and zones 1 and 2. Contractor: Guymann Construction of Florida, Inc.
Capital Projects Office
Phone: 941.764.4305
Project Location
Throughout the Ackerman Avenue neighborhood.
The vacuum station located at, 18330 Ackerman Avenue is currently operational.
Project Impacts
Residents in the Ackerman project area may experience low water pressure for the next few months. Crews are currently transferring over to the water new lines and flushing to keep chlorine residuals up in the area. Work also includes connecting customers to the newly installed lines.
Crews are encountering large amounts of rock during excavation, which has resulted in an unplanned rock crushing operation at the construction yard.
Latest Updates
Installation Agreements for zone 1 and 2 have been mailed out.
Vacuum station is operational. Zones 1 and 2 water complete and vacuum sewer complete. Zones 1 and 2 connections have begun. The final connections will be in spring 2025.
Zones 3, 4 and LPS are currently out to bid.
Installation Agreements for Zone 3 were mailed out on Sept. 2. Please be sure to sign and return them to the Utilities Department as soon as possible. These forms give CCU permission to come on to your lot with a plumber to connect your home to the central sewer line currently being installed. This work is included in your MSBU assessment, and there are no additional costs. For questions, contact: Syndi Merriman at 941-764-4305 or
The BCC approved the contract for the Zones 2, 3 and LPS. Contractor: Forsberg Construction, Inc. Construction is expected to start in spring 2025.
Phase | Cost |
Total Budget | $26,948,870.00 |
Resident Assessments, Florida Department of Environmental Protection State Revolving Funds, EPA Grants, RESTORE, Utility Repair and Replacement Funds.
Phase | Estimated Start Date | Forecast Completion | Actual Completion |
Planning and Approval | 11/19/2019 | 12/01/2020 | 12/01/2020 |
Design Development | 01/21/2021 | 02/01/2022 | 02/01/2022 |
Construction | 04/05/2021 | 09/01/2027 |
Supporting Materials
Project Phase
Last Updated
Project Manager
Mike Martindell
Public Relations
Caroline Wannall
Email Public Relations
Sponsor Department
Design Engineer/Architect
Giffels-Webster Engineers
Construction Contractor
Forsberg Construction, Inc